A Bit About Me

Being a therapist hasn't made me immune to the challenges of life, although there are times when I've wished that it had.    It does mean,  however, that I understand first hand,  how relationships and traumatic experiences can impact emotional health and physical well-being. 

I also realise that making decisions whilst struggling isn't easy and that just keeping the show on the road can be enough when struggles arise,  or challenges present themselves.   

That's why I decided to help other women find a positive route through their emotional life challenges.    

I want to make it easy for you to find the right help at the right time,  in once place.  

I am passionate about providing the most effective therapy for the presenting problems as they arise.   

I love my working life and when I've got time to myself I enjoy being outdoors,  walking or gardening.  I also enjoy creative arts and spending time with family and friends.

I've found my freedom and would be very happy to help you to find yours.